Tuesday, January 12, 2010

# 31

Sólsetur við Hvítárbakka
Sunset at Hvítárs riverside, Iceland.
Hvítárholt, Hrunamannahreppi. Þar er mamma mín uppalin og bjó þar meira að segja með okkur systkinunum í nokkur ár. Ég hef einhvern veginn aldrei pælt í umhverfinu við bæinn og árbakkanum, en þegar við mamma fengum okkur bíltúr á á ísköldum degi núna snemma í janúar opnuðust augu mín fyrir því hversu ótrúlega fallegur staður þetta er. Það er nokkuð ljóst að fjarlægðin víkkar sjóndeildarhringinn.

I went for a drive with my mother early this january to look around at the riverside near Hvítárholt, the farm she grew up in. I have been there many times, I even lived there for a couple of years, but being so far away in such a different environment made me see the place in a whole other light. It was absolutely freezing but it just made everything more beautiful in the sunset. The last photo is whats left of an old turf house that used to be there.


  1. WOW, these images are so beautiful, i can really feel the life in them.. its so beautiful that your mother grew up there.. so many memories.
